Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Embrace the Lycra

Long ago I had a room mate who dated a girl who was a borderline professional cyclist.  She lived, breathed, ate and shat cycling. It was obnoxious! I couldn't tolerate it, so when the little bike stand was set up in the living room with first person point of view videos of the Tour De what ever playing in front of her (and him since he had to conform) I had to fight back all that I had not to go find the nearest stick and jam it in their spokes!  The problem here is it wouldn't send them ass over tea kettle in the living room like it would on the road.

Fast forward to where I am today.... almost a professional cyclist, planning my next Century or half century (never knew those meant anything until last week!) I found that I have become more and more like those granola eating douche bags I once waived an angry fist at every morning.  Oh yea...annnnd I am not even remotely close to professional!

When I started to get into this, I was told by my friend to "Embrace the Lycra".  I found that this took on so much more meaning after I rode in the PMC.  I hated.... HATED... those bike people. In fact I used the term "bike people" as inflammatory as some of the worst insults that you can conceive.  However, I realize that thousands of millions of bajillions of people CAN'T just be trying to be trendy. There has got to be an actual meaning and use for the Lycra stuff.  On top of that, I felt that I didn't have the most appealing body for Lycra....its skin tight, and not forgiving! All that aside, I donned the Lycra head to toe for the PMC and at the first drops of sweat that spewed from my body I instantly knew the first reason for the Lycra!  It wicked the moisture away and didn't soak up like my T shirts and basketball shorts did. Aside from that there was the comfort and ease of riding, the aerodynamics, the warmth/cooling.... the list goes on.  So the trendy cats that I thought just wore this stuff because it was the cool thing to do, wears it because it serves a purpose! Who knew?!?

I have almost 76% embraced the Lycra now.  I realize all of its purposeful reasons to be worn and...I own it. So why don't I wear it regularly? Purely because of self image and self confidence! Riding alone, I am the only one seen, riding in a pack of every shape, size and ability I am just of the pack! I blend, I fit in, I have a feeling of acceptance among the masses.  Why allow that to bother me? I have no reason. It just does.  Slowly but surely I am gaining the confidence to embrace the Lycra 100%, 100% of the time because honestly it is necessary and functional.  So, maybe next ride I will have it on from head to toe!

Embrace the Lycra!

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