In our last episode, I swore I was riding the next day! Well.... I didn't. But, I went into the wonderful day of Sunday with determination! I wasn't getting out of the weekend with zero ride time! A couple friends had plans to come up to the Commonwealth and visit today, and I saw that as impeding death to my plans to go for a long ride! I had it set in stone though, one way or another I was strapping up the shoes and putting rubber to the road!
My daughter takes naps (lucky duck!) daily still. She actually looks forward to them, and sleeps for quite some time. Today she got down late, which isn't exactly a bad thing, but it could be if today is a marathon nap day. The days in New England are getting much shorter and winter is fast approaching. I knew that if I was getting any time on the bike in, she would have to limit her nap to under 3 hours. Amazed aren't you?? That's right.... I told you she sleeps like a champ! So, she is starting to stir around 4pm, and I went into high speed get her crap together and go movements. I packed her snacks, her diapers, my sneakers, a hoody for her, ran back up the stairs and kicked down the door to a giggling little girl!
All in all, we were peddling by 4:45pm. Destination: Wal-mart. I previously mapped out three different Wal-mart's in the area, one was 7ish miles away, one was 10ish and another was 12. I'm an educated individual....I know that if its almost 5 now it would be a race against the clock to get us both safely back home before the streetlights come on. Plus add on to that she needed dinner at some point too. While subway is getting a bad wrap (play on words! haha) these days, I can see through the smoke and still realize that its a lovely place to enjoy dinner. So I wasn't too worried.
From our house to Wal-mart its all along a heavily traveled Route 12. If you aren't familiar, its not quite a limited access highway, but it is a highly traveled State road with many intersections and at three points, three lanes of travel. It is a gradual incline all the way there with a few dips here and there but a steady up hill ride for the most part. The problem that I found was that some years back, a pipeline was laid into the road and the repave job that was done was HORRIBLE at best. So I spent a lot of the time ridding the fog line, on the traveled portion of the road, fighting off falling into a poorly paved sink hole. Then, throw in the fact that the Town (or State) seemingly forgot about cutting back the brush along the road way, either I or Tessa's cart got a few good whacks from overgrown brush making its way into the roadway. I suppose its one of the risks you take riding in the road, but knowing it exists I can tell you that this path of ours may be limited for future rides.
Aside from the brief rain shower that we incurred, and the falling darkness, overall our trip to Wal-mart for a camera bracket wasn't all that bad. Tessa had a couple crying fits and didn't feel like riding anymore, and she took a milk bath on the way to the store because it seemed like a good idea at the time. All in all it was about 15.5 miles.
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