Tomorrow is a Daddy daycare day, just Tessa and I. In the event I never mentioned it, and you don't actually know me.... Tessa is my daughter. She and I do fun things all the time during daddy daycare days.... like Tea Parties, or watch Frozen 48 times in a row, orrr go for bike rides all over the place! Tomorrow we have a couple small errands to do in the morning around town, and after nap (hers....mine... who is keeping score really?) we have a BBQ to go to on the other side of the next town over. I already google mapped it.... 4.4 miles up hill one way.... 4.4 miles down hill back. Not a bad little ride for the afternoon! 31 minutes there according to good ol' google! So I think we will pack up the cart and a back pack and head to the BBQ in the afternoon for a few hours after she gets up. There's a pool there, so even if its hot, we can jump right in!
As I said, I never pictured my self getting bent over a day absent of riding. I also never in a million years thought I would love to ride nearly as much as I do. Tessa has the bug too! Its gotten so bad, that we saw a segway at the mall and she started yelling "BIKE, BIKE BIKE!!!" while pointing at it and flailing about. She loves to go for rides and so do I. Apparently she gets spun up when we don' do I. So tomorrow we definitely ride.
I have found that its wicked easy to apply the phrase "tomorrow I'll do it" to so many things in life that I push even more to not make it just a phrase in this case. When we ride, we see things. We experience the world around us. A year ago if I heard my self saying this I would throw some horrible insults at bike me and laugh. Now, I can tell you have a greater appreciation for the world. THE WORLD. Its huge! There is so much to be seen! Even if its a few miles at a time, its a few miles of something I didn't do yesterday and I would have put off before. I MUST get out and ride. I rode to the post office a few weeks ago on my bike and found that its actually a decent trip to and from. I rode down the road, past a cemetery looped around and back again and found that the cemetery
is very well manicured. These are all things I never knew until I rode. So now, I ride. I ride often and absolutely love it. I always look forward to the new thing we find on a bike ride. Tomorrow I'm riding.
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